Saturday, June 11, 2016



I will make this brief. Thanks to Dr.Leonard and his product (Remedium Fibroma), for his timely intervention of his product, excellent counseling, support from my family and some prayer, I now consider myself a most fortunate “ Fibroid survivor”  after more 2 years of passing through pains, agony, severe bleeding. Mine was Fibroid combine with vagina discharge.  I hated myself for being to self absorbed with my problem rather than my family and even physical pain in the beginning, dealing with Intramural Fibroid. I was at a loss, Felt like I wouldn't be able to conceive in my life, thought I would have to give up everything. 
I am completely free not only Fibroid but also vagina discharge, I have been free now and i never had miscarriage again, after using his medicine and will be expecting a child in a spring.
I am completely cure. 

-----Mariana Gheorghe.

1 comment:

  1. I had fibroid for over 6 years and I have had countless miscarriages. All effort made to curb the menace of this recurrent problem prove abortive. I was literary at the end of the rope when I came across Angela story, Angela was inspiring, as she also had same problem as mine but uses Dr. Leonard product before she was able to conceived. Therefore based on this info, I decided to contact him on my own regard and finally got his medicine. I only used the medicine for two months after which I went for a scan and my Doctor himself confirmed that the multiple fibroid have shrink-ed off naturally, I have missed my period for a month now and hoping for a good news. If you are having same problem as mine, you can contact him for advice and possible solution with (
