Monday, September 12, 2016



What are fibroids?

Fibroids are the most frequently seen tumors of the female reproductive system. Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, are firm, compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the uterus. It is estimated that between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age have fibroids, although not all are diagnosed. Some estimates state that up to 30 to 77 percent of women will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing years, although only about one-third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected by a health care provider during a physical examination.
Fibroids are growths of smooth muscle, and can vary from the size of a bean to as large as a melon

What causes fibroid tumors?

While it is not clearly known what causes fibroids, it is believed that each tumor develops from an aberrant muscle cell in the uterus, which multiplies rapidly because of the influence of estrogen. Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids
During a woman's reproductive years, estrogen and progesterone levels are high. When estrogen levels are high, especially during pregnancy, fibroids tend to swell. When estrogen levels are low, fibroids may shrink, 

Women are at greater risk for developing fibroids if they have one or more of the following risk factors:

Being over the age of 30.
Having a high body weight.
Heredity may also be a factor; women whose close relatives have had fibroids have a higher risk of developing them.
There is also some evidence that red meats, alcohol, and caffeine could increase the risk of fibroids. Also, an increased intake of fruit and vegetables might reduce the risk.

Symptoms of Fibroid

Some women who have fibroids have no symptoms, or have only mild symptoms, while other women have more severe, disruptive symptoms. The following are the most common symptoms for uterine fibroids, however, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms of uterine fibroids may include:

Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods.
Abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods.
Frequent urination.
Reproductive problems, such as infertility, multiple miscarriages or early labor.
Low back pain.
Pain during intercourse.
Pelvic pain (caused as the tumor presses on pelvic organs).

Pelvic pain is more common when you have fibroids.  A fibroid is only painful for a reason. If one grows large enough then it can produce pelvic discomfort simply because of its size. A large fibroid will stretch uterine ligaments and press on other pelvic organs within the pelvis. Bodily movements and even simply walking around may cause a fibroid to produce pelvic pain if it is above a certain size. Sometimes fibroids can cause chronic pelvic pain. Some women may experience “stabbing pains, pressure, protruding tummy, constant backache, constant trips to the toilet, constipation, stabbing pains down my right leg and when lying down.

A firm mass, often located near the middle of the pelvis, which can be felt by the physician
In some cases, the heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, or the abnormal bleeding between periods, can lead to iron-deficiency anemia, which also requires treatment.

How are Fibroids diagnosed?

Fibroids are most often found during a routine pelvic examination. This, along with an abdominal examination, may indicate a firm, irregular pelvic mass to the physician. In addition to a complete medical history and physical and pelvic and/or abdominal examination, diagnostic procedures for uterine fibroids may include:

Hysterosalpingography. X-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes that uses dye and is often performed to rule out tubal obstruction.
X-ray. Electromagnetic energy used to produce images of bones and internal organs onto film.
Endometrial biopsy. A procedure in which a sample of tissue is obtained through a tube which is inserted into the uterus.
Transvaginal ultrasound (also called ultrasonography). An ultrasound test using a small instrument, called a transducer, that is placed in the vagina.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A non-invasive procedure that produces a two-dimensional view of an internal organ or structure.
Hysteroscopy. Visual examination of the canal of the cervix and the interior of the uterus using a viewing instrument (hysteroscope) inserted through the vagina.
Blood test (to check for iron-deficiency anemia if heavy bleeding is caused by the tumor).

Types of Fibroids

Intramural fibroid tumors, typically develop within the uterine wall and expand from there. When an intramural fibroid tumor expands, it tends to make the uterus feel larger than normal, which can sometimes be mistaken for pregnancy or weight gain.

Submucosal fibroids - located in the muscle beneath the lining of the uterus wall. This type can protrude into the cavity of the uterus.

Cervical fibroids - located in the neck of the womb (the cervix).

Subserosal fibroids typically develop on the outer uterine wall. This type of fibroid tumor can continue to grow outward increasing in size. The growth of a subserosal fibroid tumor will put additional pressure on the surrounding organs, They can develop into pedunculated fibroids (stalks) and become quite large. It symptoms may include abnormal or excessive menstrual bleeding or interfere with a women’s typical menstrual flow.

Can Fibroids cause miscarriage?

Fibroids generally have several ways in which they can induce infertility. For instance, they can block the fallopian tube, thus preventing sperm from fertilizing the egg or have severe impact on the uterus’ ability to contract, which in turn can interfere with sperm migration and ovum transport. Multiple and large tumors can distort the uterus’ cavity, impair the blood supply to the endometrium and disturb the structure of the endometrium through thinning, ulceration, hyperplasia, inflammation or atrophy. In a nutshell, the entire anatomy of the uterus is disturbed and, even if the sperm is able to fertilize an egg, the chances of implantation are drastically reduced. 
In this instances, it will be hard to conceive
Fibroids that bulge into the uterine cavity (submucous) or are within the cavity (intracavitary) may sometimes cause miscarriages. The fertilized egg comes down the fallopian tube and takes hold in the lining of the uterus. If a submucosal fibroid happens to be nearby, it can thin out the lining and decreases the blood supply to the developing embryo. The fibroid may also cause some inflammation in the lining directly above it. The fetus cannot develop properly, and miscarriage may result. However, with the next pregnancy, it is possible that the egg will settle in another location, and pregnancy may proceed without problems. However, if you do have a miscarriage and a fibroid is found bulging into the uterine cavity, it is advisable to shrink them using our herbal medicine

Does pregnancy make Fibroids grow?

Pregnancy has an unpredictable effect on fibroids, but most fibroids do not increase in size during pregnancy. The effect of pregnancy on fibroid growth probably depends on individual differences in the genetic changes in each fibroid and the type and amount of growth factors that are present in the blood. An ultrasound study of pregnant women with fibroids found that 69% of the women had no increase in the size of fibroids throughout the pregnancy. In the 31% of women who had an increase in size, it usually happened before the third month. 

Can Fibroids cause problems during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the placenta makes large amounts of female hormones which may rarely cause fibroids already present to grow. Very rarely, if the fibroids grow too quickly the blood vessels supplying them may not be able to get enough oxygen to the tissue and degeneration of the fibroid cells can then occur. This process of degeneration can cause pain, but usually resolves in a short time without treatment and without harm to the baby. Some women may have mild contractions during this time, but it is extremely rare for premature labor to actually begin. However, it is crucial that a pregnant woman with fibroids see her physician if she experiences pain or contractions. Bed rest, heat, and pain medication will usually be prescribed, and medications to inhibit premature labor may sometimes be needed.

Risk after  fibroid surgery.

Pregnancy or childbirth complications: A myomectomy can increase certain risks during delivery if you become pregnant. If your surgeon had to make a deep incision in your uterine wall, the doctor who manages your subsequent pregnancy may recommend cesarean delivery (C-section) to avoid rupture of the uterus during labor, a very rare complication of pregnancy. Fibroids themselves are also associated with pregnancy complications.

Excessive blood loss: Many women already have low blood counts (anemia) due to heavy menstrual bleeding, so they're at a higher risk of problems due to blood loss, blood loss is similar between a myomectomy and hysterectomy. Also, with both, blood loss is higher with a larger uterus.

Scar tissue: Incisions into the uterus to remove fibroids can lead to adhesions — bands of scar tissue that may develop after surgery. Outside the uterus, adhesions could entangle nearby structures and lead to a blocked fallopian tube or a trapped loop of intestine. adhesions may form within the uterus and lead to light menstrual periods and difficulties with fertility (Asherman's syndrome).

Chance of spreading a cancerous tumor: Rarely, a cancerous tumor can be mistaken for a fibroid. Taking out the tumor, especially if it's broken into little pieces to remove through a small incision, can lead to spread of the cancer. The risk of this happening increases when women age.

 It is been worthy of note that 76% of all hysterectomies performed today do not meet the criteria for this surgery. They are being done unnecessarily.

There is virtually no threat of malignancy and our herbal medicine is an excellent treatment options, as well as the option to do nothing at all so there really is no reason to worry,

Can new Fibroids grow after myomectomy?

Once fibroids are removed through surgery they can grow back. Therefore, the term “non-recurrence” is technically incorrect. Most women will require an additional treatment. If the first surgery is performed for a single fibroid, many women will have another surgery within the next 10 years. If multiple fibroids are removed, about 26% will have subsequent surgery. And the risks are lower for women as they get close to menopause, if she had a myomectomy after age 40.

Why Western medicine/surgery does not cure Fibroid?

Herbs have been around for millennial and most, this herbs are powerful in healing/cure ailment, herbal medication, which is more cost effective, gets to the root cause of an illness, it treat the whole person to boost the immune system to help bring a sustained healing. Many more herbs are been discovered as days passes by. 
I want you to know that an herb is a plant or plant part used in its entirety, while a drug is a synthesized copy of one chemical component
Pharmaceutical companies often make the mistake of isolating an active from an herb, or extracting that active out of the herb without the herb's other naturally-occurring ingredients; or even worse, of making and producing a synthetic copy of the active. What they end up with is a drug that is far from what nature produced—without the benefits of the synergistic interactions of the herb's original ingredients—often resulting in negative actions or undesirable side-effects

Most of the tools currently used by modern medicine, including most of the drugs that are in use today, have only been around for a few decades or less.

How our herbal medicine works to shrink fibroid permanently.

The good news is that there is 100% permanent cure to fibroid using our herbal remedy.
Our medications will regulate your hormone levels and shrink fibroids permanently.
The medicine is an herbal medicine prepare in an hygienic environment.
Herbs are great source of medicine even for life threatening diseases. In fact, my herbal medicine is safer and also a better compatibility to human and all ages.
I have used this medicine on countless of patients pronounced infertile some are currently a childbearing women.
Our Herbal medicine are natural and completely safe, with no side effects, It work by balancing the hormone level in the body and shrinking the fibroids. The length of treatment (2-3 months) varies from woman to woman and essentially depends on the size and number of fibroids. Our Herbal medicine does not only aids the treatment of the discomforts caused by fibroids but also has a positive effect on your overall health. This medicine also gives excellent results in cases where excessive blood of pale and watery character flows from uterus. It provide relief in cases where bleeding from the uterus continues to take place for too long a period and the blood is corroding / acrid in nature. This medicine can also relieve the extreme backache during bleeding from the uterus, which gets better by sitting or pressure. our medicine also suits a more severe fibroid cases of menorrhagia where the menstrual blood is black, clotted and extremely profuse. The severe pain in thighs with a feeling of extreme fatigue during menorrhagia can also be treated with this medicine.  It purifies the blood, It increases sexual desire, It removes dead cells, It helps fertility by balancing ph value in the vagina and dredging fallopian tube, It relieves vagina dryness, removes infection and unpleasant smell. I am very confidence of my product that if appropriate instructions are followed, you will be cure completely in less than 3months. Herb is the healing of every nation. Our medication which is Vitamins and herbs cure Uterine Fibroid completely and permanently without any side effect. Herbal remedies usually do not cause any side effects. Even modern medicine is now agreeing that several herbs have curative values and have a large role to play. 

Just because you are having fibroids does not mean you should go through the awful and inns essay surgery of hysterectomy or Myomectomy. They will tell you it is the only option, but it is NOT. Read up on it and you should not be forced into it by a pushy Doctor. It has long term effects that are not conducive to a long healthy life and the fibroids may keeps re-growing if the surgery is performed for one single fibroid some patient would require to repeat surgery within some years or if multiple fibroids were removed, the repeat rate is about 25 percent. My medicine is one-time cure. we will develop a treatment plan based on your age, the size of your fibroid(s), and your overall health. You may receive a combination of treatments.

Foods to eliminate from your diet during the course of our herbal medicine:

While taken our medicine, you need to change your diet. Many of the foods and products we consume and use contain some sort of estrogen or chemicals that make our bodies believe it is an estrogen. It is this excess estrogen in our system that helps promote unchecked cell growth. My suggestion to you is go on a detox this can help cleanse your body from those chemicals and excess estrogens that are causing the unchecked cell growth and change your diet...start eating certified organic foods...STAY AWAY FROM SOY

Foods aren’t known to shrink fibroids, but certain foods in a healthy diet will help keep them from re-growing and minimize your symptoms. banana, pineapple, orange, apple, carrot and tomatoes.

Dairy products

Saturated Fats
Foods high in saturated fats should not be consumed by fibroid patients. These fats can raise the estrogen level, which allows fibroids to grow larger. These foods are also hard on the liver, making it difficult for the body to break down and rid itself of the excess hormones.
Avoid bacon, sausage, egg yolks and high-fat processed snacks such as cookies and pastries, which are loaded with saturated fats.

Sugar derived from simple sugars, carbohydrates as well as various other hidden sugars found in processed foods causes more estrogen in the body by increasing insulin levels in the body which then decrease the levels of a hormone that binds free estrogen called sex hormone binding globulin. When the body has less of this estrogen binding hormone, it means that there will be more of the fibroid loving estrogen in the bloodstream.

Red Meat
Red meats are not recommended for those with fibroids. These foods are likely to be high in added hormones, including estrogen. Eat lean white meat such as Chicken or Turkey for a protein source instead. Fish is also a good alternative.
In general reducing fat intake and increasing fiber intake will lower estrogen production which help stop fibroid growth.

High-fat Dairy Products
Women with fibroid tumors are encouraged to limit consumption of high-fat dairy products such as whole milk, cream and butter. We do actually recommend that women with fibroid tumors avoid all dairy products from cow's milk as this may increase estrogen levels as well as prostaglandins which are hormones that can feed your tumors, increases cramps and can increase the pain related to some tumors. Opt for organic hormone-free products for your dairy consumption. Coconut and Almond Milk are a healthy alternative.

Avoid beverages containing caffeine. Why taking my herbal medicine  I strongly warn against drinking these beverages due to their high level of methylanthins which, in turn, cause a high level of biochemicals in the body that can form tumors. So avoid caffeinated sodas, tea, chocolate and coffee.
Highly Salted Foods
Limit the amount of highly salted foods in your diet because they are hard on your liver and the liver is the organ responsible mostly for the removal of toxins and balancing of hormones. Avoid canned soup, baked beans, pretzels, chips, pickles, olives and dried salted foods.

White Foods
Lower the amount of "white" foods you consume. These foods alter estrogen metabolism and can cause fibroids to grow larger. These foods include pasta, white bread, white rice, cakes and cookies

Recommended foods include:
Green vegetables such as: spinach, kale and broccoli.
Whole grains such as: buckwheat, oats, millet and brown rice

Alternating hot and cold sitz baths will also help enhance blood flow to the uterus. This may help improve circulation and reduce fibroid growth.

Body relaxation exercises such as: Massages, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, etc. can help increase the blood flow to the pelvic region which may reduce the size of fibroids 

Herbs have been around for millennial and most, this herbs are powerful in healing/cure ailment, herbal medication, which is more cost effective, gets to the root cause of an illness, it treat the whole person to boost the immune system to help bring a sustained healing. Many more herbs are been discovered as days passes by.

We deliver all our product worldwide using FedEx or Dhl, 

If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of uterine fibroid tumors, and you are finding it difficult to perform your daily activities and maintain your way of life, you should contact us for more info: