I will make this brief. Thanks to Dr.Leonard and his product (Remedium Fibroma), for his timely intervention of his product, excellent counseling, support from my family and some prayer, I now consider myself a most fortunate “ Fibroid survivor” after more 2 years of passing through pains, agony, severe bleeding. Mine was Fibroid combine with vagina discharge. I hated myself for being to self absorbed with my problem rather than my family and even physical pain in the beginning, dealing with Intramural Fibroid. I was at a loss, Felt like I wouldn't be able to conceive in my life, thought I would have to give up everything.
I am completely free not only Fibroid but also vagina discharge, I have been free now and i never had miscarriage again, after using his medicine and will be expecting a child in a spring.
I am completely cure.
-----Mariana Gheorghe.